Contact and Opening Hours

Dear Customers, we will always respond to your message via email or phone. In case you pre-order any items and do not receive the feedback, please call the bakery directly to confirm that your order was received and is in process. Thank you for your kind understanding, sometimes the technical aspect of the websites do not exactly collaborate with the human approach 🙂

Daves' Bakery Ltd.
2266 Island Hwy South
Unit #103 in Willows Market Mall
Campbell River, BC
V9W 1C3

tel.: 1.250.923.4000
e-mail: daves(at)davesbakery(dot)ca

(Due to the phishing and spam e-mails both addresses presented
in an antispambot format).

Hours of operation:

Tuesday-Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Monday, Sunday and Holidays: Closed

Please do not hesitate to call us anytime 250.923.4000, leave a message and or pre-order.
You can order anytime - during the day or night direct from our online store located under